The Everest Group report studies the vision, capability, and market impact of 20 leading IT service providers and their enterprise platforms' IT services portfolios in the insurance sector.

Mphasis Wynsure Product Suite supports business functions and industry best practices across the insurance life cycle and fully integrates the end-to-end ecosystem. In addition, it has an enhanced product configuration, addition of pre-configured products, automated group, worksite enrollment, SaaS-based analytics, and an optimized back-office user interface.

 “Mphasis has demonstrated significant traction with L&A insurance clients with its in-house platform Wynsure,” said Aaditya Jain, Practice Director, Everest Group. “Consistent market messaging around front-to-back transformation and zero-cost transformation that aligns well with insurers’ platform-based modernization needs and meaningful investments in building solutions to enable workflow integrations and cognitive automation have contributed to Mphasis’ positioning as a Major Contender on Everest Group’s inaugural Insurance Platform IT Services PEAK Matrix® 2022.”